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As a human being, we all deserve to be healthy and happy. A shloka in Sanskrit describes health so beautifully and in a simple manner. It says

विकारो धातुवैषम्यं  साम्यं प्रकृतिरुच्यते

सुखसंज्ञकमारोग्यं विकारो दुख:मेव च || १ ||

  (चरकसंहिता - अध्याय ९)

Meaning imbalance in the body is a disease and balance is good health. Good health is real happiness and disease is the sorrow.

There are various ways to achieve good heatlh. I share this space to share two of such highly effective ways which can help you experiencne wellbeing because these have worked miraculously for me.  

Sri Sri Meru chikitsa

Meru means spine and Chikitsa means "setting right".

Meru Chikitsa is an ancient healing technique to set yourself right using the medium of spine. It helps one to be more connected and integrated with self. As a Meru Chikitsa practiitoner, I offer these sessions.

To know more and book an appointment, send me email/ message  using the contact details.

Sudarshan kriya

Sudarshan Kriya is a powerful breathing technique which helps eliminate stress, improve immunity and achieve a happy state of mind. To know more check out

 To experience the magic of Sudarshan Kriya, enrol for our next course, send message.

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